Rosemary Oil Benefits And Applications

The ancient Greeks and Romans thought rosemary improved memory. This confirms that they may have been right!

Brain Function

Research suggests that inhaling rosemary oil may improve brain function in dementia patients, including Alzheimer's patients.

May Aid Dementia

Male pattern baldness can be treated with rosemary oil. It stops testosterone byproducts from damaging hair follicles, which cause this disorder.

Promotes Hair Growth

Rosemary oil may be a natural alternative to conventional insecticides in your house or garden.

Repel Bugs

Inhaling rosemary oil reduces exam stress, according to research.

Can Reduce Stress

Rosemary oil may improve circulation. If you have cold hands and feet, this may be worth trying. More research is needed.

May Boost Circulation

Rosemary oil may reduce short-term and long-term stress and weariness. This research is ongoing, nevertheless.

May Reduce Tiredness